You are here: Original Structure > Stockpile Management > Calculate Balance

Calculate Balance

The Stock Positions menu is used to display the current inventory balances for the selected inventory group and to manually start the Balance Stockpile process.

Stock Positions

Stock Positions calculates the current balance of all locations configured within the system as inventories. The module takes into account inputs and outputs from each inventory and displays the current balance broken down by material.

The Stock Positions menu displays a chart of all inventory balances by Material for a selected inventory and date range.

The Volume and Tonnes and other relevant attributes for all inventory locations are displayed in a grid view for the last day in the date range.

In the below example the Density and Grade attributes are included in the grid view for the 30/10/2012.

The Balance Stockpiles process can be manually started from this page. Refer to the Balance Stocks Manually topic for more information regarding balancing stocks.

In the above report example the stockpile inventory balance positions are displayed.

Note: The Drilled Stocks and Blasted Stocks levels can also be displayed using the Stock Positions View.

Please refer to the Stock Positions Page UI for information on the functionality of the Stock Positions page.